Raxalpe Vienna's house-mountain Austria 2.007m

Skitour on the Raxalpe with danger of avalanches


Specification: In 1926 opend the cable-car with 1.013m difference in altitude to the south-east side of the plateau. The platform of the Raxalpe extend to 25qkm and the highest peak is the Heukuppe on the west end.
From the north-east you start in the Höllental nearby the Weichtalhaus in 563m one way is called Wachthüttelkamm and with support of ca. 20 ladders you reach the plateau. A lot of paths beginns after you climb the Schönbrunner Stiege - exemplary the Gaislochsteig with a short moist ladder (during the winter it means iceclimbing), the Alpenvereinssteig with a 60m high ladder to overcome the first wall and much more. The distance to the peak is to long for a one-day tour!

Skiing interested dawn, using my break climbing the Raxalpe

From the south-west you start by the Preiner Gscheid 1.070m and the easest way is called Schlangenweg to the Karl Ludwig Haus 1.804m then the peak Heukuppe 2.007m is nearby and will be get-at-able in 0,5 hours. Some other paths called Reißtalersteig, Karl Kantnersteig, Gretchensteig and much more with different difficulty.

the Otto hut nearby the cable-car station